Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From within

There are things in this world that are confusing and odd...

Things that are not understandable.

There is no reason to think that we fully understand or know what it is. Or even know or understand what another individual is thinking. For when we think of something that another thinks, we in turn make it our thoughts. Altering it in a way by our own perspective that it could not truly have its original meanings.

To assume that a person knows what another is thinking or why something is, is based on how each individual feels. Being able to feel and think like another person is a difficult thing. For each person is unique.

From Within

And no matter how hard a person may try to understand others, there seems to be a larger force that prevents it.

Each moment, interaction or reaction a person encounters creates them into who they are. Could there be two people that have identical experiences and reactions? It might be possible. Or maybe the closest a person can get is to empathize with others.

I find it interesting how a person can say 'I understand" when what they reply sounds nothing like what is being talked about. Or how people assume things. Assuming things is a fun guessing activity, but to believe assumptions does not seem like a very good thing to do.

Today, I am seeing it as there is a gigas in each of us. Something that has grown so large that it influences each person. It could be arrogance, shyness, confidence, jealously, insecurity, care, etc. Some people are good at expressing positive actions. While others are not. Some like to hide the negative actions with positive actions. But who is the real individual?

Just because it is the 'right' thing to do does not mean you need to do it all the time. Like anything when there is an extreme positive there will be an extreme negative. Sometimes I wonder if people who are extremely positive just allow for the extremely negative to happen sometimes. And because they are trying to be positive they make the negative seem like it wasn't negative at all. Almost ignoring and not addressing some important issues. Issues should be addressed. But there is always the fear of not being understood. Which is more than likely an accurate assumption, that people will not understand some comments. Seems like an initial reaction is to think of it as an insult. Sometimes... things are just statements... opinions... not meant to mean anything other than what maybe be happening.

Which brings me to the subject of 'fault' one of those words I do not care to use. But that I will leave for another day of random thought that float in my head.


Alcindor said...

um..did something happen? need to talk about it? and btw, what the heck is that picture of?

Anonymous said...

*hug Sandy*

Anonymous said...

*hug Sandy*

Anonymous said...

Would it bug you horribly if I said I totally understand what you are saying? Well, hopefully you'd "understand" at least my sarcasm. Maybe if I merely claimed that my thoughts are pushed along by the same winds and so I entertain thoughts that would cause me to put down similar words. Such a primitive telepathy is writing.