Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fire on a mountain

Bastok is where most Humes and Galkas live and I meet new people everyday. I went to find myself a meal while wandering around Metalworks. I came across the Craftsman Eatery. Here I met Hungry Wolf. He was quite large, towering over me. He talked about foods from near and far.

He mentioned a fire in Gustaberg. So I went with some sheep meat to the fire. I placed the meat on the fire and let it cook for a day. The sheep meat turned into a galkan sausage. I'm not sure how this fire works or why the sheep meat I place on the fire turns itself into a sausage.

I took a sausage back to Hungry wolf, and he gave me a bit of gil for it. I sure hope he enjoys it.

I wonder if I eat more I can grow to be as large as a galka. But then I would not be able to hide as easily. Must be difficult finding armor that fits. But Hungry wolf wasn't wearing much.

1 comment:

Lum said...

as long as you don't turn stupid like a galka, you can eat as much as you want